Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Horse Show

Here's video of Monica in the Costume Class at the Horse Show. Her theme was "Flower Power". I kinda feel bad for making a male horse wear flowers, but it looked really cute!


  1. Way to go Monica, you and your horse look so cute! Oh and Happy late Birthday!

    Diane, Tyler's mom

  2. Hi Monica and Mom! Just want to share our story with you and how much you have inspired us! I have a daughter, Evelyn, who is one and also microcephalic. I am a special education teacher as well as run a family stable in Bradford. Because of our experience with Evelyn, we have started to pursue making our stable one for theraputic riding. You can find us at http://members.localnet.com/~bockmier/dundreamin.htm and at http://evelynelise.blogspot.com/ Thanks for sharing your story!
